- On November t, 2009 we received our Montana fifth wheel as delivered to us in Gibbons Alberta from Country RV based in Kelowna British Columbia.
- On May 5, 2010 we had problems with the gas supply to the hot water tank. We contacted Country RV and talked to Wendy. She then gave us three numbers to repair facilities in Alberta. Arrkann Trailer and RV Center in Edmonton. Cars RV and Marine in Leduc and Smile RV in St. Paul. We were told by Cars RV that we needed to bring the RV to there facility or remove the hot water tank in order to get the repairs done. Moving the RV to there shop was not possible from Rochester at that time. If we removed the hot water tank that meant we would loose the propane supply to the furnace and fridge for an undetermined length of time. After metering the coils on the valve I determined that one of the two coils were faulty. It was more convenient for us to just go to RV City in Morinville and pick up a new valve and install it. Hoping to get reimbursed from Country RV for the sum of the bill $169.56. Nadean told us they would only reimburse us the amount that they pay for the valve. But with the problems from the damage in the closet became such a big concern and that the factory in Pendleton Oregon requested that we take the fifth wheel to them we said that we would deal with the factory in regards to the gas valve.
Sent:Wednesday, May 05, 2010 8:07 PM
Cc:bonnie@countryrv.net ; Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: Montana 3665 repair
Hi There!
We weren't sure who to contact about needing repairs on the 5th wheel we purchased from you in November 2009. I believe that it is most likely warranty covered.
Today our hot water quit working on propane. A solenoid is shot on the regulator, part number 1611009. We have a SW12DEL hot water heater serial number is 093405658. We aren't sure if you can just get the solenoid or have to get the whole regulator.
Also, after about 2 months the table top had a large crack in it. It appears to be along a glue joint line. I'll attach a photo so you can see.
As we are in the Edmonton area and not able to get to you, where should we go and what should we do about these issues? Installation isn't an issue as Gary is quite handy and mechanical. But we would like to know if the warranty covers these, and what do we do from this point?
Other than those two issues and a couple of cosmetic complaints, we are quite pleased with the rig. There are a few little things that are more lazy construction complaints, i.e.: sawdust filled vents, a vacuum wire that was hit by a screw and shorted it. Little carpet nails that you find along the edges with your toes! A couple of flaws on the cupboard doors. But, as I said, small things!
We are loving the rig and hope to enjoy it for a long time to come!
Thanks for you help and I look forward to hearing from you very soon!
Judy Brent
Table top has a large crack.
- E-mail to Country RV on September 10. 2010.
Hi There,
We purchased our 2010 Keystone Montana 3665RE from you last fall. We need to get some warranty work done and will be in your area the beginning to mid October. We wanted to give you some notice in case there are parts or items that need to be ordered. The main issues are as follows:
dining table split (see pictures)
bedroom closet partition wall cracked/separated (see pictures) - This may be caused by the front cap excessive movement.
sofa bed latch
oven drawer latch
Pictures of the structure issues are attached.
We would appreciate if your techs could look it over and make sure
everything else is sound or if there are major concerns Keystone may have
with this model.
Thank you in advance!
Gary Maisonneuve and Judy Brent
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: attn Nadine
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 14:09:33 -0600
From: Judy <jjag21@gmail.com>
To: warranty@countryrv.net
Hi Nadine,
Here are the pictures. As we discussed, the main issues are the table
and the wall in the closet. One other is the latch on the sofa bed
drawer. We would also appreciate if the techs could look it over and
make sure everything else is sound or if there are any major concerns
Keystone has with this model.
Thanks in advance and we look forward to seeing you on the 18th of October!
Judy Brent and Gary Maisonneuve
Damage inside bedroom closet from the frame flexing.

- An appointment was setup to do the repairs on October 18/2010. Further e-mails were sent along with pictures to Nadean Levi in regards to other warranty work which we required done at the same time. Which include the crack in the dinning table and the latch on the sofa bed drawer.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Attn Nadine
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 15:40:53 -0600
From: Judy <jjag21@gmail.com>
To: warranty@countryrv.net
Hi again!
I forgot about the crack in the shower surround too!
- On October 7, 2010 another e-mail was sent to Nadine in regards to the Voyageur camera monitor not working. And a follow-up request on the last e-mail.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: more to the list
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 11:46:19 -0600
From: Judy jjag21@gmail.com
To: Nadine- Country RV warranty@countryrv.net
Hi Nadine,
We have the voyageur camera system and the monitor does not work now. If you need more info on that let me know. Also, did the pictures I sent you come though okay?
Judy and Gary Maisonneuve
p.s. Is the a campground/RV park close to you that you would recommend?
- We received the reply on October 7, 2010.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: more to the list
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 14:13:23 -0700
From: Nadean Levi warranty@countryrv.net
To: 'Judy' jjag21@gmail.com
Yes I did, sorry I didn't get back to you. You could try Apple Valley
Orchard and RV Park(250-763-9840) or Holiday Park (250-766-4255)
Nadean Levi
Warranty Manager
Country RV Centre
- We showed up at Country RV in the morning of October 18, 2010. At approx 11:00 am a RV technician started to look at the damage inside the fifth wheel and removing the panel to see what was wrong. Then later on in the day permission was granted from the factory to remove the fibreglass covering from underneath the overhang. To inspect the welding and try to determine what was causing the movement inside the closet. Apparently there must not have been an issue with the frame and welding as the technician reinstalled the overhang fiberglass. We also pointed out that the drawer under the stove required a new latch and the oven door was not sealing on the right side.
- The second day they were trying to reinstall the ¾ inch plywood back in and hoist the hitch up to see if the problem was resolved. It was not. Nadean told me that when she was inside that there was a twisting action when the lifted the hitch. She then told me that the factory in Pendleton Oregon requested that we take the RV to them for repairs.
Country RV would install a piece of panel to support the shelves and install the close rod and closet door latch. Clean up the bedroom and leave the extra moulding inside the closet. The moulding on the outside on the fiberglass was caulked but the work was very sloppy and poor. I pointed this poor quality of work to Nadean and she responded with “someone with big fingers” and that was it. I guess the technician assumed that it did not matter with the quality as the RV was to go to the factory for repairs and that his sloppy work would get fixed there. I also mentioned to Nadean that the clear coat on the rims was coming off and she said that there was nothing that they could do about it. I told her that I had two leaking valves on the rims and paid to get all four replaced and she said that if I had called her that they would have paid for that work to get done. My thought at that time was I have my RV in you shop and you cant even fix what we had scheduled to fix but if I call, you would have fixed the problem (re: the valve stems) and I would have got reimbursed?
Pictures of the caulking work done at Country RV.
- Day three we went back to Country RV and asked Nadean to provide us with a letter that states the fifth wheel was structurally safe for travel to the factory in Oregon and that they would assume all liability if further damage was caused when we transport the RV. She told us that she could not do that and that would have to come from the factory as she doesn’t know what is wrong with the fifth wheel. So over all to this point the only thing that was fixed by Country RV in the crack in the shower surround.
- Day four we showed up at Country RV and was given a copy of the work order for the work that was done and not done. A copy was also sent to the factory in Oregon. Nadean reassured me that the fifth wheel was ok to travel with as they did hoist the hitch with the cover off and there were no broken welds or moving parts. So we decided that we would pull it to the factory. I was given a number to call in Oregon @ 1-866-425-4369 which I called and set up then process with them to have our RV fixed. Date and time to be determined. I will also remove the table top tomorrow and swap it out with another one at Country RV.
- Day five, I took the table top in and helped Nadean remove one from another RV and install the broken one. I then went back to my RV and installed the new table top.
- Day eight, Oct 25. I sent an e-mail to keystone via there website asking if a work order was issued to fix my RV and if there was a date for repair set up yet. Waiting for a reply.
- I sent this E-mail off to Keystone RV
-----Original Message-----
From: garymaisonneuve@gmail.com [mailto:garymaisonneuve@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 11:58 AM
To: CS Service/Parts/Warranty
Subject: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
Host: S0106001422c27205.ok.shawcable.net
division: MO
email: garymaisonneuve@gmail.com
realname: Gary Maisonneuve
Address: Box 185
City: Rochester
State: Alberta
ZipCode: T0G1Z0
PhoneNumber: 780-915-0118
SerialNumber: 4YDF36623A4700874
VINNumber: 4YDF36623A4700874
Comments: Hello:
I called customer service on Oct 22 for arrangement to have my RV looked
at in Pendleton, Oregon. In regards to the structure flexing. I was
wondering if a work order was issued and a approximate repair date set
up. I will be waiting for your reply. Gary Maisonneuve.
B1: Submit Request
10/25/2010, 11:58 AMhttp://www.keystonerv.com/?page=service
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; GTB6.5; SLCC1;
.NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR
- Day nine, Oct 26. Judy stopped by Country RV today and asked Nadean if she heard back from the factory as we haven't heard anything from them. She told Judy to call again in the morning and if nothing happens that she would look into it. I sent an e-mail to Bonnie Thorlakson at Country RV (I believe she is the Business Manager) included a good portion of my log and my issues I have had with there service.
- I was so upset at the lack of service from Nadean and Country RV I sent a copy of my log and my complaint to Bonnie Thorlakson.
From: Gary Maisonneuve
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 5:42 PM
To: Bonnie Thorlakson
Cc: Jude ; Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: Warranty service problems
Hello Bonnie:
I have a few issues with the service I have received from Country RV this past week. I have maintained a log of the warranty/service process as follows below.
I feel that it is the responsibility of Country RV to provide me with repairs to our RV as per our warranty contract. If Country RV is unable or unwilling to fulfill that contract then it is there responsibility to find someone that will. I refuse at this point to call and run around trying to contact people when it is Country RV's job to do that. As I have been getting no replies and I don't have the resources to contact senior management at Keystone.
I have been very patient and I have been more than willing to assist in driving out of the way to Pendleton to get these repairs done but up to this point my patience has run out.
As you will read below, I have been doing most of the warranty work myself, which is not that big of a deal for me. What is a big deal is that Country RV needs to pick up the pace and arrange for these repairs to get done. I have hi-lighted the specific issues and we will make sure to make notes of any other issues we may have over-looked.
Another concern that I have is my one year warranty will soon expire and there still some small details that require warranty attention.
What I need to know is a date/time that is required of me to be in Pendleton, Oregon, and a work order number. I would also like confirmation as to what will be provided by them in the event my stay there is extended and we are unable to stay in our RV.
Any contact information you could forward to me about any customer service mangers at Keystone in Oregon would be appreciated as well.
I thank you and await your reply.
NOTE: (I deleted the log I sent to her as you are reading it now)
Gary Maisonneuve
- Apparently Bonnie Thorlakson, who I believed to be the Business Manager passed my e-mail on to Nadean. She ignored my concerns about the service I was receiving from Nadean.
- Oct 27, Judy received a call from Nadean in regards to my e-mail to Bonnie.
Today some time we are going to have a conference call with some Keystone rep.
I am going to hook the RV to the truck today and do some measuring on how much the hitch is flexing and try to determine where the movement is coming from.
We had a conference call today between Nadean, Christy Angle Myer a Retail Advisor and myself. The earliest that the factory could take us in is Jan 25, 2011. Or Christy would have the RV picked up in Alberta when we get back in May, have it fixed in Oregon and then return it to Alberta. We talked it over and decided to make an appointment on our way back to Canada for a April 18, 2011 repair date. I sent an E-mail to Christy which included the other issues we are having with the RV.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christy Anglemyer
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 1:52 PM
To: garymaisonneuve@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
Hi Gary-
Per our conversation I am emailing you so you can send photos and
measurements for your file regarding your issue. Also, please let me
know of a date you are willing to commit to as soon as you can. As I
said during the conversation, my fear is that if we don't put you on the
books now, it will only prolong the repair.
Christy Anglemyer
Retail Advisor
- I find it Ironic that Christy wants to get me on the books as fast as possible to get the repairs done but they cant get the RV in any sooner than Jan 25. I then returned the e-mail on Oct 27. You would think a structural problem would be high priority.
NOTE: It is October 27, 2010 and we are headed to Arizona. We could go to the factory on the way down from Canada while it is still warm but they can’t get us in until Jan 25, 2010. A little cold to be living in an RV in Oregon in January. So we decided to go back to Canada through Oregon and stop off at the factory on April 18, 2011 for the repairs.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Maisonneuve
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 8:16 PM
To: Christy Anglemyer
Cc: Jude ; Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: Re: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
Hello Christy:
Judy and I have decided to come back to Canada through Oregon and Washington next April (hope the weather is not too bad). I think we should set up a Day of April 18, 2011 for the repairs. I don't think that the repairs will take all that long maybe 3 or 4 days. I do believe that the front cap will have to be removed as the lower wall on each side has separated from the side walls (screws pulled out). New mouldings installed inside and out, panel which separates the closet and shelving.
Has there been other problems with the 3665RE Montana's?
Was there any Kind of reinforcement done to any 3665REs?
I have put together a presentation with Windows Movie Maker (.MSWMM) format. If I send that to you will you have the program to view it?
Either way I will still send you the pictures. They are all in high resolution so it will be a big file.
Along with the front frame flex/ movement issue here is a list of others:
1) we have a wall decal in the entrance next to the steps (about 3 feet
long) that we need replaced.
2) there is a cabinet door (has class in it, left hand opening and longer
that the others) between the table and chair on the long slide that has a
large splinter it.
3) our oven door on the right side does not seal along the gasket.
4) the oven drawer does not stay closed during travel ( I think the latch
needs replacement).
5) Front jacks while using the remote keeps cutting out (fuse???) I put in a
new battery today will let you know if that was the problem.
6) The voyager monitor needs to be replaced as ours just does not work. ( we will as discussed take care of that in Quartzite).
7) We had problems with our hot water tank propane valve and complications occurred with the Alberta dealer so I purchased one and installed it. (We require reimbursement of purchase).
8) There is a damaged vertical outside seal gasket on one of the slides. (
it seals when the slide is in. has a hole from horizontal moulding)
9) The rear top end of our large slide has been rubbing excessively on the
outside wall (slide closed) when we are traveling. (Need someone to look at
to see if it is a problem).
10) I would like a Technician to look over the mechanical parts of the RV,
slides, jacks, slide awnings etc. I wanted my dealer to do a one year
service but that just didn't come in to play when I was there.
What are you providing in regards to accommodations and dog kennel services
if we are not able to stay in our fifth wheel while it is being repaired?
Thank for your assistance,
Gary Maisonneuve
- On Oct 27 I sent pictures of the damage to Christy.
From: Gary Maisonneuve
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 12:58 PM
To: Christy Anglemyer
Cc: Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: Emailing: Drivers side propane all weight on truck hitch, 100_2558, 100_2559, 100_2560, 100_2561, 100_2562, 100_2563, 100_2564, 100_2565, 100_2566, 100_2567, 100_2568, 100_2569, 100_2572, 100_2573, 100_2575, 100_2582, 100_2584, 100_2585, 100_2586, 100_25
Here are some pictures that I took on the 3665RE. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.
- Here are some more pictures of our problems.
Wainscot needs replacement.
Cabinet door needs replacement.
Drawer always opens during travel.
Stove door crooked.
Slide rubbing excessive when traveling.
Slide rubbing.
Hole in seal from moulding screw.
More wear from slide movement.
Large horizontal rubber seal missing.
A few pictures of the damage caused inside the closet from the frame/pin flex problem.
Pictures of the frame/pin flex problem.These pictures shows how much the fibreglass cap has moved away from the pin box frame or the pin box frame has moved away from the cap. The green is the inside of the cap.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christy Anglemyer
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 2:52 PM
To: Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: RE: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
to read through them. April 18 will work for your repairs. I will keep
you informed.
- Oct 28, 2010 we leave Kelowna to head closed to the U.S boarder near Creston. This is not by any means a flat highway, there are allot of steep inclines and descents. On our travels to Creston I get a call on the radio from Judy (who follows me in the Jeep) that I have one tire smoking, so I pull over to find out what the problem is. The one left drum and rim on the RV are very hot. The other three drums are cold. I assumed that the 3 cold brake pads some how got glazed and they needed to be re-burned. So we continued on our travel to Arizona. I used a good portion of the trucks transmission and brakes to do most of the work. Applying brakes to the RV on occasion to remove the glaze.
- Nov 10, Then this e-mail came in from Christy with a change in the repair date.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christy Anglemyer
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 8:59 AM
To: Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: RE: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
Good Morning Gary-
I've attempted to schedule for the week of the 18th like we discussed.
However, it is booked up with other units. I do apologize for this as I
know you're rescheduling your return for the work to be done. I was
curious if you could have your unit at our Pendleton plant either the
week before or the week after April 18? Please let me know which date
will work for you. You inquired about accommodations while your unit is
being repaired. Keystone does not cover accommodations, if you are able
to stay in the unit, you would be able to stay on site.
Please let me know regarding the change of date. I do apologize for any
disruption of your plans.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Maisonneuve
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 1:39 PM
To: Christy Anglemyer
Cc: Jude ; Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: Re: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
Hello Christy:
April the 11th I will tentatively bring my fifth wheel to Pendleton.
I have a few questions I need answered:
1) Does Keystone know what is wrong with my fifth wheel?
2) Does Keystone know how to fix my fifth wheel?
3) Will Keystone have the parts/supplies in Pendleton to fix the fifth
4) How long will the repairs take?
I need these questions answered to supply my extended service plan and/or
insurance company with more information.
Waiting you reply,
Gary Maisonneuve.
-----Original Message-----
From: Christy Anglemyer
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 6:26 AM
To: Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: RE: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
To answer your questions, yes Keystone is capable of fixing your unit
and given that you will be at the plant all parts should be available
upon anticipation of your arrival unless it is a special order item that
we encounter. Until we look at the unit we won't be able to diagnose
the problem. It will be at this time that we will have a better idea
how long repairs will take. However, we are dedicating that week to
your unit. Will you please provide me with a mailing address so I can
send you a confirmation letter?
Thank you,
Christy Anglemyer
Retail Advisor
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Maisonneuve
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 8:20 PM
To: Christy Anglemyer
Subject: Re: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
Here is my mailing address.
P.O. Box 185
Rochester, Alberta, Canada.
T0G 1Z0
-----Original Message-----
From: Christy Anglemyer
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 9:48 AM
To: Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: RE: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
If you could answer the following questions, it would help the techs at
Pendleton have parts for your unit. Photos of the decal in the entrance
would be helpful also (or of each item).
What decal in the entrance?
What size cab door, do we need to replace the glass also?
Do we need to replace the oven door or the door seal?
What is an oven drawer?
Do we need to replace the remote for the jacks, if so, what brand is it?
NOTE: After all the photos I have sent Christy she still needs more? And it appears that Keystone has no idea of what they installed in this Montana at the factory based on the model and serial#. 3665RE VIN Number: 4YDF36623A4700874.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nadean Levi
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:51 AM
To: 'Gary Maisonneuve'
Subject: update.
How are things progressing with Keystone? Keystone has asked that I go
manufacturer of your back up camera for obtaining that part. I have
contacted them, but do not have the model or serial numbers from the back of the monitor. Could you get that to me? I cannot start the process without
it. ASA electronics is also asking for part to be returned. Call me if you
get a moment or simply e-mail if easier.
Nadean Levi
Warranty Manager
Country RV Centre
NOTE- This above, was an issue that could have been resolved when we sent them an E-Mail on October , 7. We then showed up on Oct, 18 for our appointment at Country RV in Kelowna. We have now been in the United States for twelve days and now she wants to take care of the back up camera.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: more to the list
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 11:46:19 -0600
From: Judy <jjag21@gmail.com>
To: Nadine- Country RV warranty@countryrv.net
Hi Nadine,
We have the voyageur camera system and the monitor does not work now. If you need more info on that let me know. Also, did the pictures I sent you come though okay?
Judy and Gary Maisonneuve
p.s. Is the a campground/RV park close to you that you would recommend?
----- Original Message -----
From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Friday, November 12, 2010 1:21 PM
To:Christy Anglemyer
Subject:Re: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
I re sent this. Having Internet problems here. Was not sure if it went out, Sorry.
See below in red. Also I am in Quartzsite now for a few days. I will go talk to RV Lifestyles today and try and get the Voyager monitor replaced by them.
I metered the power output from the wireless observation receiver and it shows only 1 volt D.C it should be more than that so the monitor my be OK.
The wireless observation receiver may be faulty.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christy Anglemyer" <anglc@keystonerv.com>
To: "Gary Maisonneuve" <garymaisonneuve@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 9:48 AM
Subject: RE: Service/Parts/Warranty - Keystone RV
If you could answer the following questions, it would help the techs at
Pendleton have parts for your unit. Photos of the decal in the entrance
would be helpful also (or of each item).
What decal in the entrance? I have attached a pictures of the decal. What size cab door, do we need to replace the glass also? The door is 13 3/4" W X 16 3/4" H and we can reuse the existing glass. Pictures attached. Do we need to replace the oven door or the door seal? I noticed adjustment screws on the oven door, I adjusted them. It is now OK. What is an oven drawer? The drawer below the oven. It will only require a new latch or adjustment. Do we need to replace the remote for the jacks, if so, what brand is it? Remote is OK it only required a new battery. It goes through batteries fast. I do use it a lot.
- Now that all of the above is out of the way, I decided to look at the reason why my drum/rim got hot. I removed the drum and found that the brake pad was worn out and the break and drum had reached some very high temperatures. I then removed the rim/drum from two other locations and found this. The third drum I left intact so that RV Lifestyles could have the first look at it. These are Dexter 7000# axles.
----- Original Message ----- From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Friday, November 12, 2010 4:25 PM
To:Christy Anglemyer ; Nadean Levi
Cc:Jude ; Gary Maisonneuve
Subject:Brake problems
Hello Christy:
Sent:Friday, November 12, 2010 4:25 PM
To:Christy Anglemyer ; Nadean Levi
Cc:Jude ; Gary Maisonneuve
Subject:Brake problems
Hello Christy:
I just found out another big problem with my brakes on the fifth wheel. I will send some pictures. this problem requires immediate action. I noticed that the breaking on the trailer was not working as it should.
As per the manufacture instruction manual I started the re burnish process (I think that was what it was called) from 40 mph breaking to 20 mph in case I glazed the brakes. Any way I decided to take off the drum from the tire that was the hottest of the 4. I noticed that the break was ready for replacement (maybe 3/16" material left in the lowest place) worn out bad. I put it back together and was planning to take it in to the next break shop on my travels for new brakes installed. Again I thought that the brake was way too worn for the amount of driving I have done. Then I decided to remove the other tire and drum on the same side since I had all the tools there. As you will see in the pictures the brake is completely contaminated with grease. I am going to assume that the two on the other side are the same as I can see some grease on the outside of the drum on the edge. I need action on this right now. I will contact RV life style and see if they can do the repairs ASAP.
P.S Nadean RV Lifestyle already has the monitor.
Gary Maisonneuve
----- Original Message -----
From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Friday, November 12, 2010 5:25 PM
To:Christy Anglemyer ; Nadean Levi
Cc:Jude ; Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: Brake problems Sent:Friday, November 12, 2010 5:25 PM
To:Christy Anglemyer ; Nadean Levi
Cc:Jude ; Gary Maisonneuve
Hello Christy:
I tried to send this with pictures, had problems. I will send the pictures one by one after this. Also RV Lifestyle will do the brake repairs on Monday first thing. He said the cost if they have to do all four brakes will be around $550.00
- I sent an E-mail to Dexter via there web site, I copied it and then sent a copy to Nadean Levi and Christy Anglemyer.
----- Original Message -----
From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Saturday, November 13, 2010 11:31 AM
To:Gary Maisonneuve ; Jude
Cc:Nadean Levi ; Christy Anglemyer
Subject:Brake contamination
Just for your info I have sent this E-mail to Dexter
I noticed one of my drums/rim was very hot when I traveled. I started to re burnish the brakes as I traveled thinking that I may have glazed them. Yesterday I removed the hot drum from my 2010 Montana fifth wheel 3665RE. The brakes were worn out. I decided to remove the drum from the next axle. The brake was contaminated with grease. When I pulled the drum off, the inside seal and bearing stayed on the spindle. Today I removed a drum on the opposite side of the axle with the worn out break, it also was contaminated. I am going to leave the forth drum as is so that RV Lifestyles in Quartzsite can look at it as they will do the repairs on Monday. I have sent Keystone an e-mail in regards to this issue.
The info I got off the one axle is:
Keystone RV Plant #4
Goshen, IN
PO: 919625-4
HF = 86.50 SC = 68.50
D70 Dex#:1550131
Order#: 367104-2
p13 - Albion
Due: 08/26/09
08 22 09 S1 L99
52 of 70
There is only about 8000 miles on this unit, as this is my second winter driving from Canada to the U.S.
I have pictures I can send you if you give me an e-mail address.
I have been dealing with Christy Anglemyer (anglc@keystonerv.com) with Keystone on other issues and would like to continue dealing with only Keystone at this point. If you need info/pictures please e-mail me. Also if you have any info you think you need to pass on to me about these axles/brakes please do. I have a concern here and hope that this is just an isolated incident.
Gary Maisonneuve
----- Original Message -----
From:Nadean Levi
Sent:Monday, November 15, 2010 11:17 AM
To:'Gary Maisonneuve'
Subject:RE: Picture of axle tag
I have spoken with Christy this morning and she will be dealing with this issue for you. Did you get the info I required from the back up monitor?
Nadean Levi
Warranty Manager
Country RV Centre
----- Original Message -----
From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Monday, November 15, 2010 12:00 PM
To:Nadean Levi
Subject:Re: Picture of axle tag
The monitor is in the Hands of RV Lifestyle in Quartzsite right now.
----- Original Message -----
From:Nadean Levi
Sent:Monday, November 15, 2010 12:47 PM
To:'Gary Maisonneuve'
Subject:RE: Picture of axle tag
Are they making the claim then?
Nadean Levi
Warranty Manager
Country RV Centre
----- Original Message -----
From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Monday, November 15, 2010 3:45 PM
To:Nadean Levi
Subject:Re: Picture of axle tag
Yes, RV Lifestyles is making the claim.
- Then I received this reply from Dexter.
-----Original Message-----
From: Massie, Connie
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:12 PM
To: garymaisonneuve@gmail.com
Subject: Keystone Unit // DEXTER WARRANTY CLAIM 0410WC6664
Good afternoon Mr. Maisonneuve,
I am writing you in response to your recent e-mail regarding a grease seal
that leaked and a wheel that was running hot on your Keystone trailer. I am
assigning our warranty claim number 0410wc6664 for the tracking and ultimate
processing of your claim.
If you would have the repair facility contact me and ask them to make
reference to our warranty claim number 0410wc6664 we will see what we can do
to assist in this matter.
Best Regards,
Connie Massie
Warranty Administrator
Dexter Axle Co.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Maisonneuve
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:52 AM
To: Massie, Connie
Subject: Re: Keystone Unit // DEXTER WARRANTY CLAIM 0410WC6664
Thanks for your reply Connie:
Christy Anglemyer with Keystone has taken care of the warranty on the
Gary Maisonneuve
-----Original Message-----
From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:58 AM
To:Christy Anglemyer
Subject:Great service
I would like to thank you for taking care of the brake problem I had on my fifth wheel.
I look forward to April 11, and hope the other problems will be taken care of.
Thanks for your patients,
Gary Maisonneuve
-----Original Message-----
From:Christy Anglemyer
Sent:Wednesday, November 17, 2010 7:08 AM
To:Gary Maisonneuve
Subject:RE: Great service
I’m glad the issue was resolved. I look forward to working with you in the spring.
-----Original Message-----
From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Wednesday, November 24, 2010 2:10 PM
To:Christy Anglemyer
Subject:Drum failed 1
Well when it rains it pours. I don't know even where to begin.
But yesterday while traveling from Lake Roosevelt, AZ to Silver City, NM the left rear tire and rim came off the drum
It was also the same drum that had overheated when the other three were contaminated with grease. I am assuming that the studs may have become weakened from the heating process.
I re adjusted the brakes and rechecked the torque on the rims in Lake Roosevelt as the rims were removed in Quartzsite.
We were just west of Safford, AZ when it happened. We managed to find a replacement drum with bearings ($70.00 no receipt) and I installed it. I used the same rim as it only had minimal damage.
I don't know at this time how to go about getting all this work done, as I have just about had enough. I just want this trailer fixed.
At this point I am considering changing out all the studs on the other 3 drums or just get new drums. I will bring the old rim to Life Style Rv when I get back to Quartzsite and see if he can figure out what happened.
But what I am going to require next is some replacement parts for the trailer. I will include some pictures and a list in this e-mail. These repairs will probably have to get done in Quartzsite.
aluminium rim
center rim cap
8 - long 1/2" chrome nuts
tin above rear tire
tin on slide
plastic wheel fender above rear tire
right and left vertical moulding on slide including bottom corner cap on left moulding.
replacement decals for the left right mouldings and slide tin.
Gary Maisonneuve
NOTE: I E-mailed Christy on November 24 about the rim/tire coming off and did not get a reply back until November 29. I also sent out an update on November 26.
-----Original Message-----
From:Gary Maisonneuve
Sent:Friday, November 26, 2010 5:03 PM
I hope you had a great long weekend and a good thanksgiving.
I did however to satisfy my safety and peace of mind I removed the left front wheel and drum to adjust the brakes and do an inspection of the work that RV Lifestyle did. On this drum removal the inside seal stayed on the spindle and was already starting to leak grease. Also the seal had dents in it from the installation. I don't know if this seal was installed from factory or RV Lifestyle. But RV Lifestyle said to me that they were installing new seals. (I have pictures) On further inspection I noticed that the seal was the wrong size, as per the Dexter factory manual the seal that should be installed is the K71-305-00 - Fits Dexter 12 x 2" hub. 2.250 ID x 3.376 OD. What was installed was the K71-304-00 - Dexter 12 x 2" hub. 2.125 ID x 3.376 OD.
I installed a National 412920 seal adjusted the brakes and insured that there was adequate grease around the bearings, torque the spindle nut as per the manual backed off the nut and installed the locking clip. I then installed the rim and tire and torque to 120 ft lbs.
I then proceeded to the right front wheel and removed it and the drum. This seal was OK, in position and not leaking. But it was also the wrong seal. I installed on this side a Chicago Rawhide 22532.
I will now have an opportunity to compare two different brands of seals to find the better of the two. Both the National 412920 and Chicago Rawhide 22532 are approved alternative seals by Dexter.
I then adjusted the brakes, insured there was sufficient grease, installed the tire and torque to spec.
Next I removed the right rear tire and drum. On this drum the seal was in place but it was installed crooked ( I have pictures) and was showing signs of grease passing. This is also the wrong seal on this drum.
Tomorrow I will install a new seal and complete the inspection of this drum. I will then remove the new drum that I installed from the tire that flew off and see if they gave me the right seal. If not I will then change that one out.
Once these are all done I will be monitoring my drive axles very closely. Until I make it to the factory. Not that I haven't been watching them closely in the first place.
I know that none of these problems were caused by Keystone. It was Dexter supplied equipment which caused all the problems in the first place. Then the quality of the work from RV Lifestyle that continued my problems.
Not to mention that the replacement brakes on the trailer are not even self adjusting as was supplied from purchase.
Just to get thing clear before I continue with this, does Keystone want to continue to be involved with these issues and help me to deal with this problem? I have not contacted RV Lifestyle or Dexter in regards to the tire coming off the trailer or the improper/damaged seals installed.
It has reached a point where I am considering legal counsel as this issue has put my life and others in danger. And I would rather it not have to go to that point.
I have straightened out as much as I could the damaged tin on the trailer and I will leave it that way until we get to the factory.
Once again I thank you.
Gary Maisonneuve
-----Original Message-----
From:Christy Anglemyer
Sent:Monday, November 29, 2010 7:08 AMTo:Gary Maisonneuve
Subject:RE: Update
Good Morning. Thank you for asking, I did have a good Thanksgiving. Hopefully, you did as well. I have all the emails documented in your file, but, to answer your question you need to contact Dexter direct. Dexter wants to be directly involved with their product and any issues that may occur. Dexter has a two year warranty on their product. You can reach Dexter directly at 574-295-7888. Please contact them and address the issue instead of waiting until you arrive at Pendleton in the spring. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know.
Christy Anglemyer
Retail Advisor
Note: Now Keystone does NOT want to be involved with this problem. So I now send an E-Mail to Dexter with pictures.
-----Original Message-----
To: Massie, Connie
Cc: Jude Brent ; Gary Maisonneuve
Subject: Re: Keystone Unit // DEXTER WARRANTY CLAIM 0410WC6664
Hello Connie:
On Nov 23 while traveling from Lake Roosevelt, AZ to Silver City, NM the left rear tire and rim came off the drum on the fifth wheel. No one was injured or hurt. Just damage to my RV.
It was also the same drum that had overheated when the other three were contaminated with grease. I am assuming that the studs may have become weakened from the heating process. Maybe this drum should have been changed out at RV Lifestyles. I re adjusted the brakes and rechecked the torque on the rims in Lake Roosevelt as the rims were removed in Quartzsite. We were just west of Safford, AZ when it happened. We managed to find a replacement drum with bearings and I installed it. On Nov 26 and 27 at Silver City I did to satisfy my safety and peace of mind I removed the left front wheel and drum to adjust the brakes and do an inspection of the work that RV Lifestyles did. On this drum removal the inside seal stayed on the spindle and was already starting to leak grease. Also the seal had dents in it from the installation. I don't know if this seal was installed from factory or RV Lifestyles. But RV Lifestyles said to me that they were installing new seals. (I have pictures) On further inspection I noticed that the seal was the wrong size, as per the Dexter manual the seal that should be installed is the K71-305-00 - Fits Dexter 12 x 2" hub. 2.250 ID x 3.376 OD. What was installed was the K71-304-00 - Dexter 12 x 2" hub. 2.125 ID x 3.376 OD. I installed a National 412920 seal adjusted the brakes and insured that there was adequate grease around the bearings, torque the spindle nut as per the manual backed off the nut and installed the locking clip. I then installed the rim and tire and torque to spec. I then proceeded to the right front wheel and removed it and the drum. This seal was OK, in position and not leaking. But it was also the wrong seal. I installed on this side a Chicago Rawhide 22532. I will now have an opportunity to compare two different brands of seals to find the better of the two. Both the National 412920 and Chicago Rawhide 22532 are approved alternative seals by Dexter. I then adjusted the brakes, insured there was sufficient grease, installed the tire and torque to spec. I also remove the new drum that I installed from the tire that flew off to see if they gave me the right seal. There were no numbers on the seal visible so I removed it. There were however numbers on the inside and it was the right size seal but I installed a new Chicago Rawhide 22532. I would also like to mention that the replacement brakes on the trailer are not even self adjusting as was supplied from purchase. I have sent the above information to Keystone but they requested that I deal directly with Dexter. We need to resolve the repairs that I have done to the driveline and the damage to the RV. I will send you some pictures in several e-mails of the damages.
Thanks and waiting for your reply,
Gary Maisonneuve.
NOTE: Below are the pictures of the work that was done at RV Lifestyles in Quartzite after we discovered that the brakes we contaminated with grease.
No grease seal in drum and grease seal stayed on spindle.
- I Left this picture large so that you can see the dents in the grease seal as it was installed at RV Lifestyles.
Your articles support me a lot in all mediums of subjects.
ReplyDeletekeystone montana
I hope this makes you feel better. Probably what you have been waiting to hear!
ReplyDeleteDue to your blog...and some others....you just screwed Keystone out of $70K .
I wanted the Mountaineer but now I'm looking elsewhere. Thanx for the info...you saved my tail.
Glad I could help.
DeleteWhere are you now??? and any updates on your RV repairs??? Safe travels
ReplyDeleteI dont care if you spend 100k on a fifthwheel. EVERY manufacturer theyir quality is poor.
ReplyDeleteWow ! Gary, I feel your problems. We purchased a 2012 montana 3750FL. This is an 80, 000 dollar unit and we have had nothing but problems. We are also still trying to get things repaired and workmanship is very poor. I would very much like to hear where you are now in repairs. This could possibly be a class action if you decide to get legal help, please let me know. I do hope your travels have gotten safer. Take care and God Bless. Kristi
ReplyDeleteWe purchased a 2014 Montana #3100 in Wisconsin Rapids, WI. Picked up the unit 6/14/14, drove highway miles home, and cleaned, polished, per manufacturers instructions. We found a cut in roof, spider cracks on front cap - enough to lift decals, leaking hydraulic, problem with battery/electric where it won't lift unit to hitch up to 5th wheel,decals bubbled, scratches on microwave, warping on master bedroom slide out, scratches on Corian countertop, more. We have never slept in, used plumbing, microwave, heater, fireplace, televisions, NOTHING. Unit was brought back to dealer on 7/8/14 and is still there to this day - 9/19/14. We have yet to see repairs, but have lost the entire 14 season, family trips to Yellowstone- but still make our payments. We get the run around and different stories depending on who we speak to continually from the manufacturer - so does the dealer who has now decided to drop Keystone from its inventory. We are deciding to get our money back and choose another brand. What say you?
ReplyDeleteAmerican built product, what can you expect.
DeleteYou guys are right. RV's generally are made like crap now a days. And then purchasing one at a dealership like Country RV in Kelowna just makes the situation worse. Bonnie Epp Thorlakson, Henry Epp and Nadean Scott Cuddeford (Levi) are ineffective, dishonest buck passers.
ReplyDeleteCountry RV sucks.
DeleteJust so everyone knows, we have had many more problems with our RV over the past few years. Black, gray tanks leak, front landing gear, spring hangers and springs, it goes on and on. I have stopped updating this blog years ago because it just added to the stress. Now a days we just deal with the issues (right now all in good)and go on with our adventures. I will continue to let others who wish to purchase any Keystone product about there poor quality and non existent customer service.