Ahh Dear Reader, I am so glad you have stuck with me though all of my meanderings and whining! And I must say WOW!! I didn’t realize how long since I last updated you. So here we gooooo…
We headed to Jackson, CA for a Montana/Keystone RV rally, which we thought at the very least would be interesting since our Keystone issues seemed to be a popular topic. The rally itself was a good time. We got to see some familiar faces and meet some new friends too. Basically we were at a beautiful campground that is part of a casino just outside Jackson, CA. It was a good week. I have discovered that I love wine touring, but I think it may have been safer has Gary come with me! But really, who wouldn’t love a wine named Rapscallion?? I made a few purchases and was surprised that they were well received when I returned home! One of the guest speakers was a fellow from Keystone. I feel I have now met the ultimate RV salesman. What a twit. But as a rep of Keystone, I guess I shouldn’t have been surprized. Nuff said…
After our week there we had to head north to Pendleton, OR for our date at the factory. We made the trek in tandem with one of our favourite couples, Dave and Kelly. They were headed home after being in the south for the winter and were headed our way. So, we followed along and found some more great overnight spots. A casino one night (our first time in a casino parking lot) and then on the banks of the Columbia River. What a treat!
We decided to hit Pendleton early so we could scope out the place. It’s not very big, but I managed to get lost a few times (damned one way streets!!) so we found a little park near the Keystone factory and reviewed our list of repairs that we were told to bring. I was hoping that they knew what the main reason was for us to be there was. Well, um, ya… thumbs down to Ms. Kristy Anglemyer once again. We arrived with our list of 25 items that needed attention. Out of all that they knew of 3. So we parked the rig in their capable hands and discussed wtf would happen. It seems that head office (Kristy) forgot to mention that the side of our rig needed replacing as it was missing from the tire incident. Grrr but we said ok, what now? The guys in that shop were amazing, they took our list and went “Ok, we will have to order a lot of this but lets get the critical shit dealt with” They proceeded to talk with Gary about the front flex issue and were more than happy to have him there watching and questioning. These guys know their shit. Kudos to Lonnie, Delvin (aka Gummy Hair) and that other quiet guy. O and thumbs up to their boss Bob Payant who said “These guys will do whatever you need done” and walked away. It was impressive, they measured, sized up and ordered away! No questions asked, no run around, just good old fashioned customer service. I was in awe. So they had the rig for 2 days and repaired what they could and ordered what they needed to. It was going to be a week to 10 days for everything to arrive so we went out to the local casino that had a very nice park nearby. Found an awesome restaurant there and sat back to relax, knowing that we were finally getting shit done. We returned the unit when they called and said almost everything was in. the table top never showed and they sent some wring materials. But Bob told us that rather than sit and wait that he would simply ship it to us when it arrived. Which reminds me I should check on that! So having spent a lot longer in Oregon than we intended we planned our route home. Sadly, this meant not getting up to Washington to visit Dave and Kelly. But, I’m guessing they will forgive us and the offer will be there again another time!
So off we headed to the border! We kinda had a plan although we start with good intentions then, well… isn’t there some good somewhere paved with good intentions? We can claim a large stretch of that LOL! We only made it to Coeur d’Alene, ID. Not far but we did stick to our rule of avoiding travel on weekends! It also gave us a chance to make sure we had our list of crap to claim at the border. We did know that we would rather cross at Alberta, but B.C. was closer and out time was running out. Gary had picked up a job and we needed to find a campground nearish to it. Well, the border crossing was quick and painless. The guy misunderstood what Gary has said and when I approached the gate he asked for my papers, asked about Jack and told me to have a nice day. Well, when I went up to Gary as we headed in to pay our dues he asked for my claim forms. I told him I didn’t have any and he quietly said “go wait in the jeep”. And me, being the obedient (ROFLMFAO) lady that I am, waited in the jeep til he was done. Ok… fine… me and Jack went for a walk and wondered what was up. It wasn’t til we were about 5 miles up the road that he pulled over and explained that we were officially rum smugglers!! The guy thought Gary was claiming for us both. O well, we figgered that kinda paid for the extra charge that B.C. has on booze hehe. But at least now we know. Enter thru Alberta, even the border guy asked if we wanted to turn around and do that! I must say though, our border crossings have, for the most part, been uneventful compared to the stories that we have heard. I am sure though that the one time I forget to toss out that evil American lettuce, we will get strip searched.
So, home at last! Well, in country at least! What a beautiful drive! I guess after six months of beige desert, the Canadian Rockies are pretty amazing. It was nice to stop and get fuel and not have to worry if you have enough cash or if your credit card will work at the pump. A young kid came out, pumped our fuel as we lounged and watched, then went in after the fact and paid. A nice welcome home IMHO. So we continued on our trek. After a few miles, Gary pulled over, out of the blue. Great… his pressure pro said he was losing air in one of the trailer tires. We inspected the tire and found the leak. He jumped in the truck to back up a bit so we could repair it easier. By the time he got to the truck I noticed a second leak starting. Then, when he started to fixed the first a third started and the tire was bulging oddly! He told me to get behind the trailer in case it blew or did something equally odd. So I got a lesson in how to change a flat on the trailer. Upside… it was a beautiful day! Onward we trekked.
The park we stopped at was nestled in the mountains on the Alberta side of the mountains, what a view! We got their card and may have to take another look at the sites they are developing to sell. We spent most of the evening trying to find a tire shop en route to our destination. Since we had to get the tire replaced we opted to upgrade them all. So, we picked up one in Pincher Creek and headed to High River where the other 3 and an installer waited for us. Another wonderful day in our RV nightmare log! There was unusual wear on all the tires so we are going in to get the alignment checked and springs inspected and a bunch of other technical guy stuff done. I have been in contact with our friends at Keystone yet again. I did ask on facebook if getting the run-around was exercise. I’m guessing since all I got smart ass replies that the answer is yes! :P to you all LOL.
So we are now sitting in Irricana, AB. Small little town, but close to Crossfield where Gary will be working for the next bit. Andrew stopped in for a visit for Mothers Day. We had a great time, thanks again sweetie!
Last weekend was the infamous Sister Weekend. It was fun. Yup, that’s all you get to know about it this year lol.
I guess that catches us up Dear Reader! I do forget that when we are back in Canada our southern family and friends wonder what we are up to as well! I do promise to try to post more often. And I swear that that promise is better than the ones to post pictures!!
And so I wish you all the best Dear Reader, miss you, love you as always!!